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Instagram vs LinkedIn: The Battle Royale

I hate Instagram, but I LOVE IT too! It really is a blessing and a curse. It's like eating candy. We all know sugar is probably the number one killer in America, but we cant keep our hands off of it! It is just too good! Not to mention, addictive and I need breaks from it to stay sane. Now, LinkedIn. I LOVE it and I am always on it.

Relax, there will be no duel match between Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO) and Jeff Weiner (LinkedIn CEO). Though, that would be interesting to watch. 

I hate Instagram, but I LOVE IT too! It really is a blessing and a curse. It's like eating candy. We all know sugar is probably the number one killer in America, but we cant keep our hands off of it! It is just too good! Not to mention, addictive. I have to take Instagram breaks and go on hiatuses for 3 months at a time. It is the only way I am able to stay sane. We all know Instagram is not real life, but it gets hard not to think so! 

I try to only use Instagram for 2 sole purposes: 

1) Promoting Career Savage (@CareerSavage)

2) Promoting a certain "lifestyle" on my personal page (@killakyyah) so people will be further be drawn to Career Savage. If you take a moment to look at my personal page you will notice I only post when I am traveling or engaging in something appealing. THIS IS ON PURPOSE. My marketing strategy, if you will. It is 100% genuine as I do travel a lot and like to engage in random activities for fun. 

Now, LinkedIn. I LOVE it and I am always on it. I share deliverables from my Masters program. I am able to network with job recruiters and connect with like minded individuals in my professional space. LinkedIn has made it easier to apply to jobs and communicate with employers. 

When you visit my Career Savage blog posts I want you to always be forced to think introspectively. Ask yourself what do you use each social media platforms for and where are you in your career? If you are a YouTube star, blogger, etc. you need Instagram way more than you do LinkedIn. However, if you are a college student, post grad, etc and you have more Instagram followers than connections on LinkedIn you need to STOP and THINK! Which one will TRULY benefit your professional career more? 

People post daily on LinkedIn just like people post on Instagram. They post inspirational stories, motivational messages, articles, and so on and so forth. People post REALITY on LinkedIn. They post things that may transform your life and mindset. You may get the same from scrolling on Instagram, but be honest with yourself.

This blog post is not meant to bash either social media platform as I use both for business purposes. I think it is important to think which one truly benefits your life; Instagram or LinkedIn? If you do not even have a LinkedIn page, visit the home page and schedule your consultation with me. One of the services I offer is building LinkedIn Profiles. I will also teach you the benefits of using it!

Watch my YouTube video related to this post for more and always remember Career Savage said it don't forget it! 


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